
Quagliata Group Photo 1949

These are the children (and their spouses) of Carmelo and Pietra Quagliata, and their grandchildren.
The men are lined up behind their wives; grandchildren are in the bottom row.
The photo was taken at the end of 1949 in Ayr North Queensland.  Click the photo for a full size view.
Thanks to Mary Trovato (wed to Leonardo Carmelo (Charlie) Trovato, bottom left) for this great photo.

 Top Row Left to Right:
Concetto Trovato
(wed Caremlo's daughter Antonina), Carmelo (Charlie) Quagliata (Carmelo's son),
Leonardo Quagl
iata (Carmelo's son), Rosario (Ross) Quagliata (Carmelo's son),
iuseppe (Joe) Quagliata (Carmelo's son), Giovanni Mangano (wed Caremlo's daughter Alfina).

Middle Row Left to Right:
na Trovato (Carmelo's daughter), Giuseppina (Joyce) Quagliata (wed Carmelo's son Carmelo),
Maria Quagliata
(wed Carmelo's son Leonardo), Mary Quagliata (wed Carmelo's son Rosario),
Sebastina (Annie) Quagliata
(wed Carmelo's son Giuseppe), Alfia Mangano (Carmelo's daughter wed Giovanni Mangano).

Bottom Row Left to Right:
Leonardo Carmelo (Charlie) Trovato (Concetto & Antonina's son), Sarina Grasso (Giovanni & Alfina Mangano's daughter),
Patricia Felecina (
Leonardo & Maria Quagliata's daughter), Lena Nucifora  (Leonardo & Maria Quagliata's daughter),
Carmelo Quagliata
(Rosario & Mary Quagliata's son), Petrina (Pat) Gabrielli (Concetto & Antonina Trovato's daughter),
Rosario (Ross) Trovato
(Concetto & Antonina's son).

Quagliata Group Photo 1949


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